

Private clients are increasingly asking for assistance from EXP Legal in inheritance matters.

EXP Legal offers its professional support in the area of legal and fiscal obligations related to inheritances, provides assistance and advice in inheritance planning process to protect family assets, provides out-of-court and judicial assistance in the management of all kinds of inheritances matters, including disputes resolution between heirs or third parties.

Particular attention is paid to cross-border inheritances, i.e. inheritances in which individuals belong and/or assets are located in different countries. This also includes the cases of deaths of individuals residing in a State other than the one of origin or the cases of deaths of individuals in possession of assets in several States or, again, the hypothesis of heirs residing in a State other than the one where the deceased person lived.

These types of inheritance have multiple critical issues, including, first of all, the identification of the inheritance applicable law.

  • Inheritance planning process and family assets protection;
  • Tax management of inheritance practices;
  • Assistance in drafting of wills;
  • Assistance in declarations concerning the waiver of the succession or acceptance with the benefit of inventory;
  • Legal assistance and representation in favor of the excluded heirs;
  • Inheritance divisions, splits and contracts;
  • Inheritance legal/tax declarations;
  • Substitutive declaration of affidavit;
  • Dispute resolutions.

Experts with a long range vision, ready to overcome barriers and take on new challenges in new professional environments. Up to date on developments in Italy and abroad.


EXP Contacts

  Via di Ripetta, 141
00186 - Roma

 +39 06 6876917

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Via Fontana, 22
20122 - Milano

 +39 02 30573573

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1000 5th Street, Suite 200
Miami Beach, FL, 33139

+1 (305) 363-3233

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