Our broad range of specializations reflects our commitment to the needs of a diverse clientele who benefit from our thorough and continuous preparation and analysis and the careful expansion of our range of competencies. Accompanying this broad range of specializations is our capacity to put together teams of specialists, which, thanks to our ability to coordinate and work with the client, enables us to consistently provide harmonious and high quality services.
We provide the same level of support and attention to small, medium and large enterprises, whether at a national or international level.
We undertake to provide the same level of service for occasional requests for legal services as we provide for long term arrangements for advice and assistance. This consistent effort means that our relationship with our clients is solid and based on trust. We have long experience in being involved in the decision-making processes of the enterprises we advise, to the point that we are sometimes considered by these enterprises to be a department of the enterprises themselves.
Our practice areas
01 EXP for Corporate and M&A
Planning, designing and establishing the governing structures of Italian, international and multinational business entities are key, high volume areas of our practice...
02 EXP for Business internationalization
Traditionally, the International outlook constitutes an opportunity to grow and to multiply the value of National entrepreneurship...
03 EXP for International Business & Trade Law
EXP Legal has experience in international business and trade law and, particularly, in the management of international commercial relations...
04 EXP for Real Estate
EXP Legal developed a unique experience in real estate transactions both between individuals and between individuals and legal entities, regardless of their nationality...
05 EXP for Cross-border Inheritance
Private clients are increasingly asking for assistance from EXP Legal in inheritance matters...
06 EXP for Immigration
Exp Legal provides advice and assistance to foreign private clients who need, for work or personal reasons, to settle in Italy for a certain period or permanently...
07 EXP for Dispute resolution and Arbitration
EXP Legal dedicates the same energy and professional ability to litigation as for extrajudicial activities, believing that the interests and rights of its clients must be protected in both phases...
08 EXP for Third sector
EXP Legal is proud to provide assistance and advice to private non-profit organizations and associations operating for the benefit of the public. EXP Legal has undertaken numerous assignments with both Italian and foreign entities...
09 EXP for Insolvency and Restructuring
EXP undertakes to counsel and assist businesses in difficulty or in default. We work with the entities that handle the management of businesses in difficulty or facing the mandated permanent cessation of their activities...
10 EXP for Tax and Tax Planning
The professional structure of EXP Legal pays particular attention to fiscal and tax obligation of patrimonial transactions or operations carried out by companies or private entities...
11 EXP for Intellectual Property
In the past decades, the creation of economic value in businesses has increasingly been represented by intangible factors...
12 EXP for Data Protection & Privacy
Today, personal data are a fundamental asset value for the individual to which they refer, as well as for professionals and companies that process them as part of their business...
13 EXP for EXP for EU funding
TEXP Legal provides its clients with all necessary advice and assistance in the field of European Union funding, grants and subsidies (direct/indirect)...
14 EXP for Startup
In all sectors, "traditional" companies are facing or are about to face a digital transformation path, which - like most of the experts know - is not simply confined to the existing “digitizing” processes and/or to put the old business model online...
15 EXP for Private Clients
Private Clients are increasingly turning to EXP Legal to get advice on how to manage a vast number of issues related to significant events of their life sphere of interests and personal relationships...
16 EXP for International Organizations and Diplomatic Missions
A number of EXP’s senior practitioners have had many decades of experience in serving the niche needs of the international organizations and diplomatic missions established and operating in Italy...
17 EXP for Culture and Entertainment
EXP Legal is proud to be active in one of the most important and dynamic industry, where cultural heritage and traditions mold into experimentations and new forms of media expression and worldwide distribution...
18 EXP for U.S.
EXP Legal is a law firm with significant experience in assisting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and multinationals engaged in export and internationalization projects in the United States and U.S.-based investors...
19 EXP for Brazil
The relations between Italy and Brazil, historically robust and collaborative, are currently flourishing, with economic cooperation emerging as the central pillar of this connection...