
Publication of the book "Contratti internazionali. Manuale teorico-pratico. Principi generali - Tecniche di negoziazione - Tavole di comparazione"

Mar 03 2022

The book “Contratti internazionali. Manuale teorico-pratico. Principi generali - Tecniche di negoziazione - Tavole di comparazione” (International Agreements. Theoretical/practical Handbook. General principles - Negotiation techniques - Comparative tables), Pacini Giuridica, 2022, written by Giorgio Cherubini, Stefano Rossi and Giancarlo Cherubini, respectively Founding Partner, Senior Associate and Associate of EXP Legal, was recently released.

The book aims to offer to entrepreneurs and professionals who work in the field of international trade (corporate lawyers, legal and tax advisors, marketing experts, etc.) the necessary tools to understand the main aspects of international contracts and agreements; in the various chapters of the book, the main international contracts used in the business activities of the companies are analyzed with a practical slant.

The book is also accompanied by a formulary that allows the reader to deal more quickly with individual contracts, in some cases also providing the English language version of the most significant clauses.

Find out more at the following link.

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